Starting a race between multiple Effects
Sometimes we start multiple tasks in parallel but we don't want to wait for all of them, we just need
to get the winner: the first one that resolves (or rejects). The race
Effect offers a way of
triggering a race between multiple Effects.
The following sample shows a task that triggers a remote fetch request, and constrains the response within a 1 second timeout.
import { race, take, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { delay } from 'redux-saga'
function* fetchPostsWithTimeout() {
const {posts, timeout} = yield race({
posts: call(fetchApi, '/posts'),
timeout: call(delay, 1000)
if (posts)
put({type: 'POSTS_RECEIVED', posts})
put({type: 'TIMEOUT_ERROR'})
Another useful feature of race
is that it automatically cancels the loser Effects. For example,
suppose we have 2 UI buttons:
The first starts a task in the background that runs in an endless loop
while (true)
(e.g. syncing some data with the server each x seconds).Once the background task is started, we enable a second button which will cancel the task
import { race, take, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'
function* backgroundTask() {
while (true) { ... }
function* watchStartBackgroundTask() {
while (true) {
yield race({
task: call(backgroundTask),
cancel: take('CANCEL_TASK')
In the case a CANCEL_TASK
action is dispatched, the race
Effect will automatically cancel
by throwing a cancellation error inside it.